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Updated Bundle for the State Plate Collection

It took me a while to get all the folders ready to add to this collection but for those of you who were waiting for a simple way to get all the designs in the State Plate Collection there is now ONE button that you can push to get them all without adding 50-plus designs to your cart! 

Here's the link to get them all at once --->>>https://designsbybabymoon.com/products/complete-set-us-state-plate-embroidery-snap-designs

Let me tell you a little more! It's not just that you will have easy access to order the set, but you get them for less than if you just bought one at a time! To buy them all individually would cost you over $150.00 but the set is available for one click for $125.00.  PLUS you get access for as long as the internet is around to these designs as well as any upgrades to each design.  Many people are still putting in requests for different state plate designs, so as soon as those are complete they will be added to your collection at no extra charge.  And to top it all off, I include a 20% off coupon for a future purchase just to say thanks! 

This has been a really fun project but it's been a lot of work! I'm really please with how these designs stitch out and I know they will be popular with your customers and make terrific gifts for friends and family this holiday season.  Everyone loves something to remind them of home and these little tags are a sweet way to bring a smile to someone's face.  

Let me know if you are looking for specific designs! I'm already working on a vintage California and Pure Michigan versions and some beautiful variations on the Maine plates.  You can reach out in the Facebook group  or by emailing me directly at info@designsbybabymoon.com. I love hearing your ideas and seeing how you might use these! 

Oh, and shhh! I'm toying with the idea of turning these designs into quilt square type blocks! Technically I suppose they'd be quilt "rectangles" but I have a fun idea I've been playing with that you might like if you are a quilter! 

That's all for today! Next time I'm going to show you "How to Make a Snap Tab" design, so if you are new to embroidering on vinyl, pleather and canvas you will love this little how-to that is coming up! 

Now, go make something awesome! 

1 comment

  • Thank you so much I got all my states today!!! Have you ever thought of putting out a font that would work to change the bottom sayings of the license plates? For instance on the Florida one it says sunshine state and I am doing cities that have all different city mottos such as Someplace Special, Lakeside City, Sea Plane City? I love you detail to not having 1000 stops and haven’t been able to find a good font that is like a single stitch doubled that continues through out the word ? Does that make sense? I prefer jump stitches or because they are so close I wouldn’t even do the jump stitches better the letter but only the words?
    Thanks for putting out a great product I have already been selling out of the FL ones!!!!

    Jane Clinton

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